As the financial pillar of the family, should unexpected and tragic circumstances happen to you that interrupt your premium payment ability due to loss of working ability and income, your insurance protection could be affected. To prepare for the worst, you can attach Well Link Life's Waiver of Premium to your basic plan for extra protection by waiving the premiums falling due when unfortunate events happened.
Product type:
Supplementary Benefit
Issue age:
age 18 to age 60
Policy currency:
Same as the basic plan
Premium payment term and benefit term:
until age 65
Premium structure:
Based on the issue age, gender and payment term
Premium payment mode:
Same as the basic plan
1. This plan is underwritten by Well Link Life Insurance Company Limited.
2. The above content contains general information for reference only and does not form part of the policy. Please refer to the policy document for benefit coverage and exact terms and conditions.